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Black Jester/HuffGlu Merch - Putting Philosophy First Bisexual Flag Merch

Criticized for being a comedian?


Sure, I am an artist and entertainer that took no money in state grants to do it as a career even if it was harder. Private citizens buy more swag south of the boarder by the way, be nice to say different. Anyway, yeah I went to try and promote swag, pay dues, get gigs, and all that jazz. Well some dues were paid in Childhood.
But here is the thing I tell jokes, it is different than being a joke, like most of what we have elected. Some seem to think a joke tells them. But look at this I have prior engagements, I meet them, gigs met, all duties have to be met. I am a executive of a self started self employment career.
When I ran for Mayor I met the standards that I didn’t think were needed or legal because of dedication. I stook my neck out.
There was no reason to dismiss Patrick Maliha either for being a Comedian when he sought council. Should be happy artist and entertainers are out there on right to libertarian levels.
I myself am all and more than what the West End incumbent is and on the BCCP side opposing art grants by the state. FYI so does my artist/entertainer father.

I am no joke.

In 1996, I was on foot going back and fourth responding to calls and making them to get signatures on Aletta’s ballot as the Campaign manager, she was lucky to have a campaign worker, it’s harder being the Candidate as your own campaign manager.

Oh I will bring my Candidate booklet to the Friday Meet and Greet day, West End members.

My passion for philosophy, for liberty energizes me more than most things, I almost kill myself doing it myself. Is that a joke? Or is it leadership material at least suited to leading or presiding over the board?

Categories bcc, liberty

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