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A Perspective Without %s.


Here’s a way of looking at National Results, especially Green vs PPC.
Per Candidate Vote Count, but subtracting the amount of votes by Candidate.

353 Per Candidate, Libertarian (13)
1,222 per Candidate, Maverick (27)
348 Per Candidate, CHP (25)
219 Per Candidate, Rhino (27)
780 Per Candidate, Free Party (59)
552 Per Candidate, PPC (312)
1,472 Per Candidate, Green (252)
8,393 Per Candidate, NDP (338)
15,986 Per Candidate, Bloc (78)
15,295 Per Candidate, Liberal (338)
16,139 Per Candidate, Conservative (337)

PPC barely edge out CHP and Libertarians and do worse than Maverick. To speak nothing of the Greens.
Yes the Greens got seats, they also have more total votes and more per-Candidate. The Free Party even does.
Conservatives and Bloc may have a bigger gripe against the Liberals, and clout. So typically, Ontario and Quebec are going to screw the West.

Party Standings Party Listings

Categories philosophy, politics

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