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Vancouver-East Campaign - Mayoral Campaign


BC Libertarian Party has someone proposing it becoming ACT BC (Association of Consumers and Taxpayers) which sounds more like a gimmicky Vancouver civic party. Community and Taxpayers sounds more inviting. It’s based on a New Zealand Party, which some think had success (under a Proportional System) over night. It was not. It took some time to tell people what it was and sell it.
Now I see no pros, I am not going door to door saying “Hi I’m an ACT,” lets not forget I’m a Comedian, however everyone will sound like they are asking for a gig.
I joined the Libertarian Party, and many did before, why do people who want this not just start their fresh ACT Party? See how well that works. I’ll respect Bernier on one thing, he didn’t join the Libertarian Party, take the offered leadership, and then change it to the PPC, he started it fresh.
So why not have an option of names only other names I’d consider a positive are BC Individualist, BC Classic Liberal Party, hey how about BC Cost Analysis Party. The latter would be impossible because there is no cost analysis for the re-branding.
We got islands of stuff. I have signs I hoped to re-use in the next Vancouver-Hastings run. It says Libertarian on it.
Cost a pretty penny as well.
I say, if you fail to sell Libertarian Principles, you failed, not the name.
Really sounds like a Liberal Party infiltrator found a way to make the Liberal Party sound like the only option for them. Since the name left, after an ACT re-brand, is that. Or start a new one. The BC Action Party will hate this.
Lets also consider, this debate is also happening with the Liberal Party of BC, people like Aaron Gunn have been pushing for a new name.
The various State Libertarian Parties in the US have made huge strides, Elected many. Even those who didn’t, Sharpe did brilliantly against Cuomo in NY and got ballot access (their Presidential Choice lost it, but the LNC is an odd problem of centralization). Even the Libertarian Party of BC have broken some records. I beat commies in Van-East and Van-Hastings, my constituency’s rep wouldn’t have been thought possible in the reputation out here. Well the ones who admit they are.
When it goes down to it, since when does a libertarian do something so massive, without doing the cost analysis?
The Debate on this was won.

Other BCLP motions:
No crazy about a leadership salary, either. Maybe per-event/travel per diem, lodging/meals and travel costs. Especially a salary above 10Gs. I hope there is a good argument for the 12 if it’s going to happen. Another problem is being able to go back on what they call a salary over fundraising quotas. Might be better to pass a leader a commission on fundraising.

Categories philosophy, liberty

Your Two Cents


Leader Candidate, Carlito (I think trying to paint us as cranks), you hack. This is meddling, Election meddling in our own affair, good to know who the #MSM wants in leadership. #bcpoli
Georgia Straight

I have brought this to Andrew Coombes of the Ethics Committee.

I am fucking furious! I was happy being Mr. Nice Guy, I am totally fed up. It was even @ linked to our current Leader and Party on twitter and no correction. Twitter Archive

Categories Ballot Choice, liberty

Your Two Cents


I will state one basic point.
Leadership effects Urban Campaigns more than it does Rural. Rural are very grass rooted holding local Candidate importance.
So this is worth considering, a City Boy, may be ideal as a leader. Also on the level of the press, I remember from BC Report Magazine, and it hasn’t changed, when I worked there, I learned something about mainstream press. They don’t want to focus out in the North and Rural Areas, unless it’s burning.
So rural campaigns tend to benefit on a local paper level.
Vancouver, there is a local element I have tried to foster, however the Partisan Machine is heavy out here, and the Vancouver Press helps that along, therefore we need leadership based in a place they care about.
You’ll notice most Premiers were City/Metro based. Mostly mainland. At least since Vanderzalm.
I post about location, because I don’t think my opponent is a horrific human being, with horrific notions, and some part of me rather someone else do this job. Most of it. Libertarian sides that despise the notion of needing a leadership position. Or brass at all.
As it is, I believe we need leader to put more on Candidates, to push the notion of Candidates being their own leaders, and to inspire their constituents to be their own leaders. A notion needed foster a future of regained self ownership and a culture of voluntary action and exchange.
I am staunchly a negative rights activists. Freespeech, Self Defense and their Tools.
I am also with The LP of Canada, Rhinocerous Party, MindFreedom, Gun Owners of America as a member.
I also interview well. I have a great history. I upload what I can from my speeches, interview and debate past here
The Mad Watcher Interviewed me at a Freedom Rally on the March. Rumble Bitchute
The description has a time you can find the interview.

Join The BCLP and vote at the AGM

Sideline Identity Issue, Press Eats Up: We’d have the first openly Bisexual Leader, if that’s important to you.

Categories Ballot Choice, liberty

Your Two Cents

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